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Chinese CSI: West Lafayette, Indiana

From the “I’m Not Making This Up” department:

Two students from China, a married couple, got their student visas and headed to West Lafayette, Indiana, to attend graduate school at Purdue University.

The marriage turned rocky in 2004 when she stabbed him twice in the chest while they were making love.

Like any normal guy would…or not…instead of running for his life…he spent $50K on her bail, hired her a defense lawyer, saw her through months of counseling, got the restraining order against her lifted…and took her back.

Nevertheless, she was still facing deportation for this crime, so, perhaps a bit tardy with the common sense, he decided he wanted a divorce.

So like any normal gal would…or not…she shot him in the head. Dead.

And then she allegedly chopped him into pieces, stuffed the pieces into the refrigerator, used his passport (with her doctored photo) to return to China…and got caught. At the airport. With a “To Do” list on her that included line items like “finish dealing with the body.” And now she’s on trial for the crime. In China. Not in Indiana.

Here, go read the rest of the story at….

August 2006

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