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‘Music for Efficient Sleep’ by The Shanghai Chinese Traditional Orchestra

Not sleeping well? The past few months have been pretty stressful here on Planet Earth, so maybe you something to help ease you into a restful, refreshing slumber each night.

Sound good? Then “Music for Efficient Sleep” by The Shanghai Chinese Traditional Orchestra may be just the cure you’ve been looking for. As reviewer J. Poet noted in PULSE magazine,

[The title] ‘Music for Efficient Sleep’ sounds unwieldy, but the soothing tones of the Shanghai Chinese Traditional Orchestra produce results! After listening to this music, I had the most intense dreams I’ve had in over a year….

Intense dreams sound pretty good to me, but I couldn’t help but chuckle at what reviewer “omega48″ had to say about this CD:

[Music for Efficient Sleep] is a wonderful, mind-relaxing collection of music. Not just for sleep, but anytime you wish to create a personal tranquility zone. At work, when the hallway “clutter” noise is overwhelming, I close my office door, slide the CD in my PC, and soon I am harmoniously one with my tasks.

I’m not sure I would ever want to find myself “harmoniously one with my tasks” at work (maybe with a martini after work….), but in any case, “Music for Efficient Sleep” will help make any setting - work, home, school or car - a more relaxing place to be.

Heck, why not just go by “Sleeping: Music for Efficient Sleep” now. This inefficient sleep thing has simply gone on too long.

Sleeping: Music for Efficient Sleep
Sleeping: Music for Efficient Sleep

May 2003

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