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The China History Forum

“China History.”

You like it? You love it? You want more of it?

Then pay attention here; I’m only going to say this once:

The China History Forum is “an online chinese history forum, discussion board or community for all who are interested in learning and discussing chinese history from prehistoric till modern times, including chinese art of war, chinese culture topics.”

This relatively new (less than 8 months old) but fast-growing (already 17,593 posts) forum features topics and discussions in a broad variety of Chinese history-related topics, including quite a few posts with pictures, maps, and even the occasional history-related video clip.

The main history-related topic categories include:

Occasionally, discussions seem to wander off topic a bit, such as that of a Qing dynasty painting that presents what some call the “Chinese Mary and Jesus” drifting into differences (or not) between Catholicism and Protestantism. However, among those meanderings, which aren’t actually that painful to read, some fascinating presentations, links, articles, images, and debates await you.

Frankly, I wish I had more time to go through all 17,593–oops, there went four more while I was writing–all 17,597 posts. There’s a lot worth reading and seeing in them there categories….

The China History Forum is online at

December 2004

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